Get excited my chilli loving peeps, because something awesome has arrived!! Our Carolina Reaper hot sauce, aptly named “Oh Carolina” is hitting shelves and markets!
Carolina Reapers are one of the hottest chillies in the world (actually crowned the hottest chilli in the world by the Guinness World of Records back in 2015) with a whopping 2.2 million SHU (Scoville heat units) so this sauce will be sure to put hairs on your chest, clear the sinuses and give your tear ducts a work out. We have whipped up an absolute treat for all you diehard chilli freaks out there, with a delicious blend of Carolina Reapers, cayenne peppers, pineapple, ginger & garlic, this will be sure to appease the most avid chilli fan.
Are you game to give it a go? We give out free tasters at the various markets that we attend weekly on the Sunny Coast, but if you think you’ve got what it takes to handle it, you can get your very own right here SHOP NOW